Saudi Arabia intercepts two missiles fired by Yemen's Houthis
الأحد 29 مارس - آذار 2020 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (383)


Saudi Arabian air defense intercepted two ballistic missiles on Saturday night launched by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi group toward Riyadh and the city of Jizan, the Saudi state news agency (SPA) reported on Sunday citing a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition fighting the militia.

“Two civilians were slightly injured due to the falling of the intercepted missile’s debris as it exploded in mid-air over residential districts’’ in Riyadh, SPA reported, citing a Saudi civil defense spokesman, Lt. Colonel Mohammed Al-Hammadi.

No fatalities had been recorded from the shrapnel that fell on Riyadh, in the center of the kingdom, and the southwestern city of Jizan, located on the Red Sea directly north of the border with Yemen, SPA said, citing coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki.

The spokesman added that firing missiles at this time by the Houthis and Iranian Revolutionary Guards showed the real threat the group and Iranian regime supporting it pose, adding that this escalation does not reflect the group’s announcement that it is welcoming a ceasefire.


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