Houthis targeted two airports and a base in Saudi Arabia
الأحد 25 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2020 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (209)

The military spokesman for Yemen’s Houthi movement said in a tweet on Saturday it had targeted the Jizan and Abha airports and the Khamis Mushait base in Saudi Arabia with drones.

Earlier on Saturday and in two statements on Friday, the Saudi-led coalition had said it had intercepted and destroyed three explosive-laden drones from the Houthis aimed towards the southern region of Saudi Arabia.

Later, in the early hours of Sunday morning, the coalition said it had intercepted another drone aimed for the same region.

The coalition’s spokesman did not specify the targets of the drones in the statements on Saudi state news agency SPA.

“The hit was accurate,” Houthi military spokesman Yahia Sarea said on Twitter.

The Saudis have regularly accused the Houthis of using drones and missiles to attack Saudi Arabia.

Yemen has been locked in conflict since 2014 when the Houthis seized Sanaa, the capital, and then much of the country’s north.

Fighting escalated in March 2015 when the Saudi-led coalition intervened to restore the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.


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