Yemen's Democratic Union Party of Popular Forces condemns Saudi fabrications against Sheikh Saleh Bin Shaja
الثلاثاء 28 يونيو-حزيران 2022 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (193)

المركز اليمني للاعلام

The General Secretariat of the Democratic Union Party of Popular Forces has condemned the Saudi authorities for accusing prominent tribal Sheikh and businessman Saleh bin Shaja of supporting terrorism.

"While we condemn this criminal approach that affected Sheikh Saleh bin Shaja, we affirm that we are not surprised by the policy of the Saudi regime, which is trying to force others to be followers and cheap tools that it directs them whenever it wants," said the party in a statement.

 The statement added, "Sheikh Shaja is a national and tribal leader who refuses to be a puppet for the Saudi regime, and this made Saudi Arabia resort to such malicious accusations to discourage him from the national role and struggle to establish peace in Yemen."

The Democratic Union called on the international community to condemn these fake accusations, demand the Saudi authorities respect human rights charters, and stop these unjust methods against national icons.

The statement continued, "The Saudi regime is trying hard to distort the image of the national figures like Sheikh Shaja, who did not submit to the authority of that unjust regime that has tried to distort him in front of public opinion and show him in a manner contrary to reason and logic.

The statement concluded that the fabrication of charges will not discourage Sheikh Shajia from continuing his peace efforts in Yemen and the world regardless of any obstacles.

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