Yemen - Humanitarian Imports Overview, April 2018
الأربعاء 16 مايو 2018 الساعة 09 صباحاً / Yemen Media Center- reliefweb
عدد القراءات (32426)


WFP food imports in mt

The chart represents WFP food imports for its programmes in Yemen, and it includes food commodities imported through commercial vessels as well as chartered vessels for humanitarian cargo.

For the first time, in April 2018 WFP had three vessels simultaneously at the three ports (Aden, Hodeidah and Saleef), in addition to the two vessels VOS Apollo and VOS Theia facilitated by the Logistics Cluster.

Air deliveries in m3 facilitated by the Logistics Cluster

The Logistics Cluster facilitates combined chartered airlifts from Djibouti to Sana’a, on a frequency contingent on needs and funding.
In April, the Logistics Cluster facilitated three airlifts from Djibouti to Sana’a.
The first airlift was composed of two rotation on 10 and 11 April, carrying 37.2 mt/139 m3 on behalf of WHO and Partnership for Supply Chain Management.
The second airlift was composed of three rotations on 16, 17 and 18 April, carrying 47.5 mt/247 m3 on behalf of IMC, PU-AMI and WHO.
The third airlift was carried out on 23 April, carrying 13 mt/69 m3 on behalf of MSF, PFSCM, UNICEF and WHO.

Sea cargo transport in m3 facilitated by the Logistics Cluster

The Logistics Cluster facilitates the cargo transport via sea on board the WFP-chartered vessels VOS Apollo and VOS Theia. VOS Apollo operates a weekly rotation between Djibouti and Aden, whereas VOS Theia travels on average three times a month between Djibouti and Hodeidah. Both vessels can carry both cargo and passengers, and can be used as staff evacuation means.
In April, the VOS Apollo voyage planned from 01 to 05 April had to be cancelled due to administrative issues in Djibouti. Voyages resumed smoothly the following week. In total, in April the VOS Apollo carried 65 passengers from 16 organisations between Djibouti and Aden, as well as 180 mt/1,211 m3 of cargo from Djibouti to Aden on behalf of IMC, WFP, WHO and UNDP.
In April, the WFP-chartered VOS Theia carried 74 mt/610 m3 of relief items from Djibouti to Hodeidah on behalf on UNICEF through two voyages on 10 and 22 April.

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