ICC trial in The Hague one option for Sudan’s Bashir -minister
الإثنين 17 فبراير-شباط 2020 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (88)

  Sudan could send former leader Omar Al-Bashir and other suspects to The Hague for trial before the International Criminal Court, but any decision would need approval from military and civilian rulers, the information minister said on Monday.

“One possibility is that the ICC will come here so they will be appearing before the ICC in Khartoum, or there will be a hybrid court maybe, or maybe they are going to transfer them to The Hague...That will be discussed with the ICC,” Information Minister Faisal Salih told Reuters.

Sudanese authorities announced last week that they had agreed for Bashir and three other suspects to appear before the ICC, without giving details of how this could happen.

Bashir, who has been jailed in Khartoum since he was toppled after mass protests last year, is wanted by the ICC for alleged war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in Sudan’s troubled Darfur region.

Bashir’s lawyer has said the ex-president refused any dealings with the ICC because it was a “political court.”

The different options for the ICC proceedings will be discussed with an ICC delegation that was expected to visit Khartoum, Salih said.


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