Israel not bound by any nuclear deal with Iran, Bennett says
الإثنين 10 يناير-كانون الثاني 2022 الساعة 10 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (133)

Israel not bound by any nuclear deal with Iran, Bennett says

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday that Israel would not be bound by any nuclear deal with Iran and would continue to consider itself free to act “with no constraints” against its arch-foe if necessary.

Indirect talks between Iran and the United States on salvaging the 2015 Iran nuclear deal resumed a week ago in Vienna. France’s foreign minister said on Friday that progress had been made, although time is running out.

“In regard to the nuclear talks in Vienna, we are definitely concerned ... Israel is not a party to the agreements,” Bennett said in public remarks, in a briefing to a parliamentary committee.

“Israel is not bound by what will be written in the agreements, if they are signed, and Israel will continue to maintain full freedom of action anywhere any time, with no constraints,” he said.

Israel has called on world powers to maintain a credible military option against Iran while they pursue an agreement.

Some experts have questioned whether Israel, on its own, has the military capabilities to halt what it says is an Iranian quest for nuclear weapons. Iran denies that it seeks atomic arms.


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