Three killed in UAE capital in suspected drone attack claimed Houthis
الإثنين 17 يناير-كانون الثاني 2022 الساعة 10 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
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Yemen's Houthis say will stop all attacks on Saudi Arabia | Houthis News | Al Jazeera

Yemen’s Houthi movement said Monday it had carried out a military attack on the United Arab Emirates as authorities in Abu Dhabi, the capital, announced suspected drone strikes targeted an industrial area and the airport, killing three people and wounding six others.

The UAE’s state news agency quoted Abu Dhabi police as saying that a Pakistani and two Indians were killed in the incident, which it earlier said could have been carried out by drones.

Police said three petroleum tanker trucks exploded in an area close to Abu Dhabi’s port, near storage facilities used by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. Separately, a “minor fire” occurred in a construction area at Abu Dhabi International Airport, the statement said, adding that a preliminary investigation found objects that were possibly drones in the two locations.

The Houthis are supported by Iran and have frequently carried out drone attacks during Yemen’s years-long civil war, which has pitted them against an array of local factions, including the country’s Saudi Arabian-backed government.

The Houthis have also claimed responsibility for missile and drone attacks beyond Yemen’s border, mostly targeting areas in Saudi Arabia but also the UAE — claims that were previously denied by the Emirati authorities.

Anwar Gargash, a senior Emirati diplomat, condemned what he called the “sinful Houthi attack” in a message Monday on Twitter, in a rare Emirati acknowledgment of a Houthi attack on the country.


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