UN expresses ‘deep concern’ over escalating conflict in Yemen
الثلاثاء 18 يناير-كانون الثاني 2022 الساعة 10 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (256)

Earlier, the Saudi-led coalition forces announced that they are carrying out air strikes on Sanaa in response to the latest attacks on Abu Dhabi.

The United Nations' human rights office has expressed deep concern over the escalating conflict in Yemen, urging all sides to the ensure safety of civilians.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights spokeswoman, Ravina Shamdasani, on Tuesday condemned recent air strikes that left several civilians dead.

“Overnight, air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition on the capital, Sanaa, are reported to have left at least five civilians dead,” Shamdasani said at a UN press conference in Geneva.

According to preliminary information, those killed were five members of the same family, including two women and a child, when a house was hit in the Ma’in district the previous evening.

Two other women and a child were reported to have been injured, said the UN official.

“These attacks on Abu Dhabi’s international airport and a nearby industrial area were reported to have left three civilians dead,” said Shamdasani, adding that the conflict in Yemen has intensified in 2022.

“Amid this escalation, we call on all parties to ensure the protection of civilians and civilian objects, in line with their obligations under international law,” said Shamdasani.

The UN official said that figures collected by the Human Rights Office indicate that there have been 839 air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition so far in January, compared with 1,074 for the whole December last year.

In December, she said that some 16 drone strikes, 12 ballistic missiles, and three other projectiles were fired by the Iran-backed Houthis toward Saudi territory.

In January, reports indicated 10 drone strikes toward Saudi Arabia.

The latest Saudi air strikes followed missile and drone attacks on Monday claimed by Houthis on the United Arab Emirates, a coalition partner of Saudi Arabia.


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