Suicide bombing kills 3 in Yemen’s Aden
الثلاثاء 13 مارس - آذار 2018 الساعة 08 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (1484)

At least three people were killed in a suicide car bombing in Yemen’s coastal city of Aden on Tuesday, according to residents and a local medical source.

Residents of Aden’s Sheikh Othman district said a bomb-laden car had plowed into a mess hall serving Yemeni forces trained by the United Arab Emirates.

 “Three people were killed in the attack,” a local medical source said, speaking anonymously due to restrictions on talking to media.

Several others were wounded, the same source added, including three who had sustained “serious” injuries.

Following the bombing, ambulances could be seen rushing the injured to nearby hospitals.

Hours afterward, the Daesh terrorist group -- in a statement posted on social-media platforms -- appeared to claim responsibility for the deadly attack.

The UAE is a member of a Saudi-led military coalition cobbled together in 2015 to fight the Shia Houthi militia, which had overrun much of Yemen -- including capital Sanaa -- one year earlier.

The coastal city of Aden now serves as interim headquarters for Yemen’s Saudi-backed government.


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