Parliament Speaker warns against fragmenting Yemen
الثلاثاء 20 أغسطس-آب 2019 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (184)

Yemeni parliament speaker Sultan al-Barkani warned of the dangers of any attempt to divide or separate Yemen into several parts, saying that the effects of such a move will have negative repercussions on the local and regional levels, reported the Saudi Press Agency.

The comment was made following a meeting between the Yemeni parliament speaker and the UK ambassador to Yemen Michael Aaron and US Chargé d'affaires to Yemen Junaid Munir, here today.

According to al-Barkani , the recent escalation in the south serves primarily the direction and project of the Houthi group militia and the Iranian project in the region.

The meeting reviewed the latest developments on the Yemeni arena, especially the recent events in the governorates of Aden and Abyan, meanwhile al-Barkani pointed out the efforts exerted by the Yemeni political leadership to overcome the setbacks.

The separatist forces in Yemen’s south seized government military camps in Aden early this month. This week, they advanced to Abyan province taking over pro-government military camps, a move which consolidates the secession orientation of the country.

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