New clashes in Libya despite UN cease-fire call
الخميس 13 فبراير-شباط 2020 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (99)

Rival forces clashed in the Libyan capital Thursday, witnesses and pro-Government of National Accord (GNA) forces said, a day after a UN Security Council resolution called for a “lasting cease-fire.”

Flights were again suspended at Mitiga, Tripoli’s sole functioning airport, following rocket fire, as fighting broke out between forces loyal to the GNA and fighters of eastern commander Khalifa Haftar in the capital’s south.

Witnesses heard explosions in the largely agricultural area of Machrou Al-Hadhba about 30 kilometers (18 miles) south of the Tripoli city center.

Rockets also struck residential neighborhoods, killing one woman and wounding four other civilians, according to a spokesman for the health ministry, Amin Al-Hachimi.

GNA spokesman Moustafa Al-Mejii confirmed fighting had broken out in the suburb.

Mejii accused forces loyal to eastern Libya-based Haftar of having repeatedly violated a fragile truce called for by outside powers Russia and Turkey since January 12.

Despite the truce, there has been sporadic fighting almost every day near Tripoli, and arms continue to flow into the country.

The UN Security Council adopted on Wednesday a resolution calling for a “lasting cease-fire” in the conflict-hit country, a first since Haftar launched his offensive to seize Tripoli in April.

The resolution called for continued negotiations by a joint military commission set up in January between the two sides, with the goal of achieving a “permanent cease-fire.”

This would include a monitoring system, a separation of forces and confidence-building measures.

The commission’s Geneva meeting ended Saturday without a resolution, but the UN proposed resuming talks from February 18.

More than 1,000 people have died in the clashes between Haftar and the GNA, while another 140,000 have been displaced, according to the UN.


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